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In any social setting, most of us used to worry what are we going to wear.  You’re having a dinner party with 10 different guests arriving tomorrow night each one with different culinary tastes and preferences …  How are you going to satisfy everyone's taste buds? We have developed an app that will do just that.


The app investigates users’ eating habits, and presents a nutritional profile in much the same way dating apps outline the personal traits and preferences of people who want to date online. The app offers a simple way to share your food preferences with the person(s) preparing your meal.


In our example above - if you are   having a dinner party for 10, your guests can share their profile  (list of selected allergies +  list of their dietery preferences)  via WHATiEAT SMS what makes it easier to share … but  if you are WHATiEAT user  -  the app will show each individual profile your guests sent youand a  summary, making a dinner menu not only easier but also safer for everyone. 



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Sofie H.

Blogger, Journalist, Taste-maker

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